The babies are growing up so fast!! I call them Big Brother and Little Brother. They both do have homes to go to now as soon as they are weaned. I goofed in the angle of the camera when I recorded the feeding time. I thought I had the camera angle higher and you would be able to see the babies eating. I will try a better angle next time.

    4 replies to "White Bellied Caique Babies"

    • Steph

      this is one of the cutest baby eek videos I've ever seen! I myself have two 3yr old caiques (1 female black headed and 1 male white bellied) and so I was able to relate, and also sit there "awwing" every second, thinking how adorable they were.

    • Silly Caiques

      Oh Rita they are adorable! They look like their smiling all the time.
      I loved the video!

    • 1boidae

      Those babies are CUTE, Rita! Such cute big heads too LOL!

      I'd be ready for a nap after a nice big warm meal like that too 😉

    • chihuahuabulldog

      They are so adorable!!!

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