caiques as pet What’s the lifespan of a parrot? Budgie Conure Cockatiel Caique Macaw Cockatoo Lovebird African grey05/03/20233Comments by Elmer Epling #macaw African caique Cockatoo Conure Parrot Elmer Epling 3 replies to "What’s the lifespan of a parrot? Budgie Conure Cockatiel Caique Macaw Cockatoo Lovebird African grey" Derpy Pixel 05/03/2023 What about Eclectus Beantwoorden Derpy Pixel 05/03/2023 My cockatiel is almost as always be and I'm 22 Beantwoorden Nancy Fahey 05/03/2023 Mine is the size of a caique. He's a rosella going on 19 years old. Beantwoorden Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. Δ Deze site gebruikt Akismet om spam te verminderen. Bekijk hoe je reactie-gegevens worden verwerkt.
3 replies to "What’s the lifespan of a parrot? Budgie Conure Cockatiel Caique Macaw Cockatoo Lovebird African grey"
What about Eclectus
My cockatiel is almost as always be and I'm 22
Mine is the size of a caique. He's a rosella going on 19 years old.