This is the first time my 7 month old baby Peach Faced lovebird Puffin meets my 14 year old White Bellied Caique. Pooter was staying at my parents for a few years but is back once again with our flock. It will take some time to reintroduce him. Here we see Puffin and Pooters first reaction to one another.

    8 replies to "What happens when Puffin lovebird meets Pooter my White Bellied Caique for the first time? #parrot"

    • @sandraporto6209

      Que lindeza 😊

    • @carlacavalcanti4768


    • @staciejean

      How is him making that motion "him trying to feed her"?

    • @ItsMe-Kiki

      She is fiesty just like Kiki!! <3

    • @Naedyn

      Don't worry Pooter! She just takes a bit of time to warm up to strangers 😅

    • @birdsmariaandsunshinetv9899

      Awww this is so cute cute and adorable ❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @16SF

      Hope they become good friends ❤❤❤

    • @EstherRobles-fu6wj


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