caique parrot Want a Caique Parrot – Multiple Personalities in 1 minute27/08/20225Comments by James Ochoa Life with a Caique, you will get this multiple times a day as you are doing what they want. #storyofmylife caique Parrot James Ochoa 5 replies to "Want a Caique Parrot – Multiple Personalities in 1 minute" Shamraiz Anwar 27/08/2022 Send me this video How much price this parrot Beantwoorden Keraj 27/08/2022 My caique never do that Beantwoorden Milan Radojevic 27/08/2022 Wow why is he sooo angry? 🤔 Like something make him angry…. Beantwoorden Ob1 Keno2 27/08/2022 He's basically a velociraptor. Beantwoorden hayyremz 27/08/2022 Its the washer on spin Beantwoorden Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. Δ Deze site gebruikt Akismet om spam te verminderen. Bekijk hoe je reactie-gegevens worden verwerkt.
5 replies to "Want a Caique Parrot – Multiple Personalities in 1 minute"
Send me this video How much price this parrot
My caique never do that
Wow why is he sooo angry? 🤔
Like something make him angry….
He's basically a velociraptor.
Its the washer on spin