Hi everyone! I was preparing another video when my white-bellied caique parrot Pyro got excited about the music and did some moves which in my eyes looked like dancing. I managed to catch the action and add the cue – my kinda retard jiggling… 🙂 So now I want to reinforce the behavior even further. And have fun with my bird.
The secondary reinforcer here is my tongue clicking. It’s the same purpose that a clicker would have. In some parts I did it a little bit too late: you should “click” when the action is right there, not when the bird stops. But it’s been a while since I had training sessions with him. I need to improve. 🙂
This was very spontaneous and unplanned video, but I hope it still cheers you up. ^^
Music: Avenza – Game On
Link: https://youtu.be/8ih9lSnLqf8
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10 replies to "Training my caique parrot to dance (part 1)"
Thanks for teaching jumping 😊❤
Totally trying not to recreate the Omae wa meme with my birds
My bird does that with his head all the time if go up and down with my hand or head hell do the same
That is not a dance move, you're hopping. I think the bird is teaching you to hop, and you pay Pyro with candy.
Funny video, I like it. Go, go Pyro!
Jam baby yeah!!!!!! Go fluffy!😁😁😁😁
both the bird and bird owner are cute. I am a new fan of both 🙂
Are caiques naturally used to hopping? Or is it really just easier for them to learn it? I've never seen a budgie or a lovebird or a quaker hop.
I, too, like to have my boobs out and sexualize videos about my parrots <3
There is a bird in this video?