White Bellied Caique. Sweet Pea 3 months old.

This is Sweet Pea. He is DNA male. He loves to play on the floor with his toys.

    22 replies to "Sweet Pea he's so SILLY! White Bellied Caique 3 months old."

    • Terry Ciavola

      He is sooo adorable! ❤️

    • tammy larue

      So cute Pea is something else lol

    • Veronica Molina

      How adorable on his back playing with all the toys until he realizes that you were filming 🤣

    • Dolores Bennett

      Do you ever raise any birds yourself? If so, do you hand feed them. I hope you can find time to keep adding more videos to this site. I love coming back to the "re runs". Very relaxing. Thanks, Jody. Silly looks darling on him.

    • Maidas Hats

      Oh my, his plummage colors are so vibrant…just gorgeous!!! That is one fun bird 😆

    • Carol Coenraad

      Oh my goodness, Jody what an adorable birdie family you have! Each bird very unique and beautiful! Thankyou do much for sharing these videos with us. I love them. Please keep these videos coming
      I sure am enjoying them.
      Love Carol C

    • Dolores Bennett

      Had to watch this again…lol…how do your birds do when company comes?

    • Vee Davis

      Awww just like babies ❤

    • Debbie Harris

      So playful!

    • Lynn Logan

      Amazing!!! And adorable!!!!! 💝💝

    • Sandra Bendall

      This is the sweetest minute on YouTube. I have never seen a bird roll around on the floor like this! ❤️🇨🇦

    • Jane Doe

      So stinkin adorable!!🤗

    • Kendra Iacouzze

      Omgoodness what a cutie pie😘🌻💖

    • Lorrie H

      So stinkin' adorable!! And such pretty colors he has!! I would have never guessed that a bird would play like that either. Just like a puppy. lol

    • Jackie Burns Creations

      Ow I see what you mean when you buy toys for the birds. How many birds do you have?

    • Yoli Gonzalez

      I've never seen a bird play….that was so cute. He's beautiful!

    • Debbie Russell

      Sweet Pea is like my fur babies would rather play with odd stuff the house than the toys!💕

    • Christine Colson

      Omg I just love that bird soooo. Cute and playful could watch her/ him for Hurs they must give you so much enjoyment & entertainment

    • Patti Jones

      Beautiful bird. Such vibrant colors.

    • linda theodore

      He is beautiful, love seeing him play, he seems so happy!

    • Loretta Tompkins

      Cant wait until you post a new one of him.

    • Dolores Bennett

      OMG what a darling. I am a bird lover so this channel has now hit my favorite list. Thanks for putting it back on!!!!

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