Do Caiques always get along? Can you just put them together? Sometimes-

Today I’ll talk about the body language you can watch for to know whether your caique parrots will get along automatically or not-
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    7 replies to "Successfully Put 2 #Caiques Together #parrot_bliss #parrot"

    • @carisiabotero5800

      I got my first male caique in 2019 and he has been my best friend but I've been wanting a playmate for him since the beginning but I couldn't get a second bird because my parents didn't allow it. I got a female parrot of the same age and species a year ago but he got jealous at first and lunged at her. When he realized I wasn't replacing him he tried to be friends with her but now she wants nothing to do with her and screams or flies/walks away when he gets too close. He also started teasing her because she isn't interested in his advances. I don't know if there is anything I can do and if they will ever like eachother but I'm still hoping they will because I love them both.

    • @user-fv3ef4tf3o

      I actually have a question… I have a WBC that is two years four months super sweetheart for now she does actually get hormonal already. However I also recently got a 5-month-old BHC. I have introduced them and they're giving me a very super mixed signals. I have talked to other caique owners and I actually kind of get mixed signals from them too. I think I had watched one of your videos that stated if a parrot goes after another parrot's legs or feet that it could be a sign of aggression?? My WBC has been doing that from time to time but then she'll be okay with her and my BHC will feed her/ regurgitate to her. There's no fluffed feathers no spread out wings no extreme acts of aggression here and I do have videos of some of their interactions. A lot of other people with multiple caiques have said that this is a caique thing about going after the legs and part of how they play. I don't remember seeing any videos where they do this so I'm trying to figure out where to go from here. We get them out together for very short periods of time in neutral areas but I'd like to start getting them out for longer periods of time together but I'm just not sure how secure I feel in doing that without having some more information. I did a lot of research before I decided to get another caique… I almost forgot to mention they are both female. Thank you

    • @boobiesmomma

      Everything you said about Caiques are so true and they are showing how stubborn they are in this video, Lol
      I love my baby anyway 🥰 Hes almost 3 yrs old and he makes me laugh every day .

    • @mateoambrose1

      OMG they are soooooooo sweet mama K!!!!!!!! Love love love them!!!!! xo m and j

    • @1hawaii21

      Naturally I have to give you a Norse name. Sol, pronounced soul, is the sun god or Floki, (flow key), the trickster. I’m doing pretty good getting Knute to step up. I work with the boys separately then together. I work with them 5-10 minutes at a time. I find it works better as Caiques have ADD. Keeping it short enables me to finish on a positive note. I posted a picture of the boys on Discord.☺️

    • @Robin3615

      They are so beautiful. Maybe a good name would be Apollo (the sun god as well as music, poetry and healing) if you haven't already used it.

    • @ParrotBliss

      Caiques are awesome!

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