Another reason we got Caiques is because we thought they’d be more outgoing and help Apollo to be less scared of new things. This is not the case.
Will keep updates on how bowling training goes.

#birds #africangrey #parrot #animaltraining #overcomingfear #funny #cute #bowling #caique #games
Apollo the talking African Grey parrot and Soleil and Ophelia the Caiques Bowling Game Training

    13 replies to "Soleil's Scared of Bowling 😱"

    • Lady Hawkster

      I wonder if they think it's a nest of eggs? Parents are waiting to pounce on them

    • Sassycatts3

      Bowling pins can just run amok at the slightest provocation. They're super dangerous.

    • Ram Ram

      It fascinates me how scared animals can be over new inanimate objects in their environment. I understand when it looks or smells like another animal but moments like this, I find intriguing.

    • leeweesquee

      You have a WiiU. High 5

    • Shannon Holly

      Well it can’t help that you are sitting there like a colossal Titan waiting for his next morsel.🤣🤣🤣

    • Даниил Михайлов

      Wii U and parrots ❤️

    • MURPHY 🩰

      Their little feets and the way they walk 🥹

    • Joachim peiper

      Man dalton is cute

    • ArtsyBiTrash

      What's wrong with Soleil's beak? Is she okay? 😱🥺

    • Linda Mastriano

      Aww. Soileli. So sweet. I woñder why she so afraid? Of pins. She a good girl. She so beautiful. Linda ❤️❤️❤️🎄

    • XYZ

      This is my favourite video of Soleil so far 😂😂😂 I’ve replayed it like 20 times already, her skittish little jumps away from the bowling board are hilarious 😆

    • Mhmm

      😂😂aww poor thing, y she scared tho? Is it the shape? It resembles some natural predator of theirs or something?

    • Jennifer Robinson

      like birds so cool merry Christmas

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