Soleil is obsessed with undoing #knots
#fyp #adorable #cute #smartbird #birds #caique #untie #perfectlycutscream #skilled

    16 replies to "She LOVES Knots 🧵"

    • Alteria

      What was Apollo doing….

    • Zizi Flor

      What kind of bird is this?

    • Meyos Dominguez


    • Sonny Seabury


    • jsroadpilot

      I just love caiques…they are awesome.

    • d S. M.

      Apollo choosed violence

    • flowerfullkid

      i also love knots

    • tosca donna

      Is that Soleil? I don’t see the dark around the eyes, so that’s why I thought it was Soleil and not Ophelia.

    • Marcos Miotti

      Is that Ophelia or Soleil? They are like Merry and Pippin, idk who is who!

    • Tamara Kane

      Aww. She's a smarty!

    • Cupidwxings

      Apollo attacking Tori in the background lol

    • Carol Ann

      …. just simply adorable! I hope that you don't sky dive! 🧡💚💛🤍❣️

    • a52Productions

      What on earth is happening in the background 😄

    • vicmonty 555

      I used to have a bird who LOVED knots. She didn't care about any if the store bought bird toys I got her unless the had them. Eventually I just started making them myself. I would sit there tying knots for hours to the point my fingers were cramping, but she was so happy with them it made it worth it ❤️ rip my little sunset. She was a Fischer's Lovebird

    • Sooj

      Fun game: is this Soleil or Ophelia?

    • Mark From tinder

      I'm more focused on the chaos Apollo is causing off screen

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