caiques as pet Parrots That Kill Laughing|Caique, Cockatoo SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!25/04/20222Comments by Luz Green Please Don’t Forget To Like And Subscribe For More… THANKS FOR WATCHING.. I LOVE YOU :* Cockatoo Funny Parrots Luz Green 2 replies to "Parrots That Kill Laughing|Caique, Cockatoo SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!" Whole Life Boogie 25/04/2022 Lol adorable!!! Beantwoorden Gloria Stiehl 25/04/2022 Coffee isn't good for any parrots. This is a good video of the different parrots doing their thing. Beantwoorden Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. Δ Deze site gebruikt Akismet om spam te verminderen. Bekijk hoe je reactie-gegevens worden verwerkt.
2 replies to "Parrots That Kill Laughing|Caique, Cockatoo SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!"
Lol adorable!!!
Coffee isn't good for any parrots. This is a good video of the different parrots doing their thing.