Some more tips:
▪please fell free to send me any questions if you have any inquires regarding the tutorial and the steps
▪repeat every step as needed and reward it, even it is not perfect. Some times he will get it in 5 min, some times in 2 days, have patience
▪use the clicker/bridge word to make him understand that he was doing the right thing
▪ if one step is not working for you, try to find other ways. Not all the birds are the same
▪keep the session short of 10 min and if you see any sign of resistance or lack of interest just stop it into a positive way


Background music:
License nr. 2001-00616

    1 Response to "Parrot training tutorial – Fetch"

    • Darshan Gajbhiye

      2 pick up but my parrot pick the ball but do not drop and eat the ball so what can i do pleqse tell me

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