training caique Parrot Training – Caique Parrot Learns How to Go in Carrier15/03/20224Comments by Malcom Mackenzie Bandit the caique goes into his carrier on his own and hops. caique Learns Parrot Training Malcom Mackenzie 4 replies to "Parrot Training – Caique Parrot Learns How to Go in Carrier" Lamsam123 15/03/2022 How to teach caique to hop? Beantwoorden Janie Hall 15/03/2022 How can I tech mine to hop@parotsparotsparots Beantwoorden 15/03/2022 It's just a cat carrier. You can get them anywhere. I added a perch, just used a bolt on style t-perch and drilled a hole on the carrier to attach it. Beantwoorden Jay M.P.C 15/03/2022 what carrier is that? did u make it or purchase ? Beantwoorden Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. Δ Deze site gebruikt Akismet om spam te verminderen. Bekijk hoe je reactie-gegevens worden verwerkt.
4 replies to "Parrot Training – Caique Parrot Learns How to Go in Carrier"
How to teach caique to hop?
How can I tech mine to hop@parotsparotsparots
It's just a cat carrier. You can get them anywhere. I added a perch, just used a bolt on style t-perch and drilled a hole on the carrier to attach it.
what carrier is that? did u make it or purchase ?