white bellied caique Nacho — White Bellied Caique25/03/20223Comments by Mollie Brown Nacho is 4 months old in this video. He will be going home soon. I am sure going to miss him!!! Bellied caique Nacho White Mollie Brown 3 replies to "Nacho — White Bellied Caique" Cindy Blevins 25/03/2022 I can't believe Nacho's fifth birthday is coming up! He just watched this video with me and is always so intrigued, especially hearing your voice again, Rita. Beantwoorden Alison Pointing 25/03/2022 Nacho nacho man… Oh wait… Heehee, sorry, my bad. Beautiful bird 😀 Beantwoorden Cindy Blevins 25/03/2022 My Nacho! You are even cuter in person, and I am SO glad we found each other! Beantwoorden Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. Δ Deze site gebruikt Akismet om spam te verminderen. Bekijk hoe je reactie-gegevens worden verwerkt.
3 replies to "Nacho — White Bellied Caique"
I can't believe Nacho's fifth birthday is coming up! He just watched this video with me and is always so intrigued, especially hearing your voice again, Rita.
Nacho nacho man… Oh wait… Heehee, sorry, my bad. Beautiful bird 😀
My Nacho! You are even cuter in person, and I am SO glad we found each other!