My caique parrots, Puffman, reaction to my toes and has turned attacking my toes into a game. I can’t help but laugh when a hopping caique or bird plays the game of attacking my toes!


#caique #parrots #birds

    18 replies to "My Caique Parrots Reaction To My Toes | Attack Bird"

    • Bec

      Simultaneously cute and so terrifying 😂

    • SPERTS

      Omg the hopping in anticipation and frustration 😂

    • A Beautiful Life

      A flock with personality and hilarity!♥️🦜♥️😄

    • Felicia Eversley

      He puffs up when he's mad hop hop!!

    • AquariusMoon

      Perfect music 😁

    • Karen Brown

      "He gets so mad because I won't let him have my toes." 😂 During the summer I find myself wearing SOCKS to keep Forrest the perpetual stinker from nibbling or rather biting my toes. 💚 I'm thinking about VC.

    • Els Kindlealm


      SO CUTE!!!!! ❤😂

    • Rachel

      Such lovely sweethearts, 😍

    • Kenneth Thomas

      🤣🤣🤣Mama give me your toes! I stalky for toesies🤣🤣🤣

    • Scorpio66

      They are all so funny with their different personalities !! 😆🤣 Puff man is the true " CHUCKY " of all birds !!😄😱🤡🔪

    • aljezur07

      So beautiful both of them 😍

    • Siobhan OLaoghaire

      I want to see your Mustache/Derbyan pretty please (yes I am a subscriber)

    • paula miles

      Puff will not be denied

    • Colleen McGrane

      My cockatiels love to sing to my toes. 😂 My gray, Tobie… She's an ankle biter! If there's a man nearby, she's running over to 'get' that ankle. Not with women though? Strange😅.

    • Chris The Cockatoo

      Foot fetish lol 😂 Does he bite the other parrots’ toes or only human toes?

    • Nitzy Black

      I have to laugh when I hear people say that birds are boring 🤷. They obviously haven't spent any time with one or two or…😂

    • Nitzy Black

      I call my parrot 'Cujo' when he tries to bite my toes 🤦

    • TheScorpioC

      "Gimmee some space!"…. Puff tilts his head like "but Im your son I need toes" 😅

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