Caique parrot playing in the grass outside.

    16 replies to "Mango the Caique parrot rolls around in the grass like a dog."

    • ChaosRayZero

      Internet user: Tells parrot to get outside and touch some grass

    • Serenity17

      If you think about doing this with your birb, consider a harness or stay vigilant because it would not be the first time someones parrot got snatched by a hawk… they are fast

    • TheDraconicBard

      What a good puppy <3 <3 <3

    • Joanie Adams

      Arent you afraid they will fly away? How can you trust they wont?

    • Silvia Cabrera Menor


    • Mustafa pınar

      I want too.where can i get it.(caique) ım from turkey

    • TaiiTea-

      oh my god that short short wing clip breaks my heart 😥
      Clipped birds can still fly away with a slight breeze, and worse they can't control their flight and don't know how to get back from wherever they land.
      Give your bird their wings and teach them to fly well indoors, in a safe learning environment. That way, when they do accidentally get out, they know how to come back.
      Clipped wings can lead to muscle atrophy and a broken keelbone (chest bone) because the same muscles that allow flight protect it. CLIPPING IS NEVER WORTH IT! Don't force your bird to use only two limbs because you don't know how to bird-proof your home and keep it safe.
      If you want to bring them outside, use a carrier or safe harness.

    • Tr1pl3_H3L1X

      You think only dogs roll in the grass

    • Javier Lopez

      He looks like Lemon chan

    • Music Duck

      Aaawwwwwww Ssoooo Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute 🥰🥰 🦜🦜🧡💛💚🤍🧡💛💚🤍

    • prem thapa

      That’s not good for a bird

    • Ingrid Arnold

      Sweaty ♥️ ❤ ♥️ ❤ ♥️

    • Galih Candra

      It's bitten by ants that's most likely why

    • thanhhaivu110a

      I love the beautiful green color of the bird matching the grass. So relaxing to watch the bird ❤

    • Kedman

      I'm falling in love 😍

    • Cncowner Aira

      Soo adorable 🥰

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