19 replies to "LOVE these little skittle chicken caiques!!!"

    • j t

      Wow. What a gift you give these sweetie pies. Thank you for taking care of and loving these angels blessings to you.

    • Koala Beer.

      Squeeeee 🤩🤩

    • M.

      My caique parrot is adorable little chap. But gets over excited his eyes are pinned then he savages my hand. Tried handling gloves but he not likes them.

    • Fred Freeman

      What is your best advice for introducing two Caiques to each other? Thank you, your birds are awesome

    • Yen Thary

      Having these little kids at home, your day will never be boring… I love these kids, they're just soooo adorable 😍😍😘😘

    • NeitherSparky

      Ha ha thank god for Dr Killinger traps. I never thought to tack them to the wall, they’re just on all the tall bookcases and stuff.

    • Ashour Noiya

      We have a male black headed and we love him 🤗

    • Mutters Mommy

      just asking

    • Mutters Mommy

      are they fighting or are they scratching each other

    • murat gecgel

      They are adorable ❤

    • Ali Ikram

      are you planning to sell pair?

    • Darlene Fraser

      Just think about living with all of those birb feces

    • PaZuZu

      Wow the whole living room is their home. Perfect! ✌👍

    • Tina Bell

      best house EVER💖💜💜🐦🌸🌼

    • Kelly Suzanne

      So cute 🥰

    • Gary Gallant

      Must be poop everywhere

    • Abi Ruiz

      I want one. I want a baby so bad🥰

    • MyBirdTube

      Oh, they are just SO ADORABLE!! I love seeing Caiques behave and get along, at least for a little while!!

    • Linda Kavanaugh

      So adorable!

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