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In this video we go over the step-by-step guide on how to desensitized a scared parrot even if they are an adult! I walk you through how I train my Senegal Parrot, Elfie to not be scared of random objects. Parrots tend to be prey animals by in the wild and it makes sense they can react to new environments or objects in a earful way.

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Interested In Working Together To Tame, Train, and Reduce Unwanted Behaviors With Your Parrot So You Can Build A Life-Long Bond With Your Feathered Friend? Check Out The FREE Parrot Training Video:

FREE How To Guide on Parrot Feeding, Nutrition, and Training Download:



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    3 replies to "Desensitizing Your Parrot to Objects | Training A Scared Parrot"

    • @MarMar09271

      Hi really nice and helpful video! My mitred conure is a very scared bird but I am helping her with that! Right now I’m trying to get her familiar with a new bathing bowl and she is very aggressive towards it. As soon as I show it to her she’ll bow her head and lounge at it. Even with target training she’ll ignore the stick and attack the bowl. I tried for a couple of minutes but she just won’t. Any advice on how to go forward?

    • @courtneyjordan8751

      I have a 7 month old sennie trying to get him as desensitized as possible so he grows up to b a well rounded sweet boy 🙂

    • @mercladydeadpool6350

      Love this video. I bought a cockatiel not too long ago from some lady. So the story was she was neglected and abused had like 3 homes. Her most stable home was 2 months. So im trying to let her settle in. She used to freak out just by passing by and now she doesnt freak out so i hope she will come around. 🙂 by the way when should we feed our birds seeds?! My ringneck is on a pellet diet of course but i know seeds are ideal but idk when i should give him seeds?!

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