Daedalus, my black-headed caique parrot, puts coins in a piggy bank. I taught her this trick (and all of her tricks) using clicker training.

    11 replies to "Coins in the Piggy Bank"

    • Андрей Александрович

      Что за порода, кто знает?

    • Charles Kerry

      Thank you, I needed this funny little clip . I just got stressed out over incompetent doctors staff over an appointment. I watched your video and I could feel the stress leaving me.

    • Riku 22

      Are the birds dead?

    • RobinMcBeth

      Well, that's where they belong.

    • Mathin3D

      He is saving for when he is older. 🙂

    • Kazu Kat

      Why does he choose which coins go in first

    • parkcourt24


    • Mac

      He is awesome and smart and cute

    • Julian Gonzi

      Awww… cute jajaj awesome who said that animals do not reason?

    • majornewb

      I want to be a bird

    • Gabe Agbayani

      @cmoore1608 thanks i have that book i said to my grandma it probably boring but now you told me that it wasnt….. but i dont have a chameleon yet but when my snake learns a trick learns send you a vid response on it doing its trick

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