Soleil especially has been trying really hard to learn “come here” & “do poopy”. We’re pretty suprised, as we didn’t expect them to be able to at all. Apollo has already started doing the “come here” as it sounds in the video, seems like he’s trying to help them along.

#foryou #learning #learningtotalk #whistling #caique #parrot #birds #amazinganimals #cute #adorable

    19 replies to "Caique's Trying to Talk? 🤯"

    • HyperOP

      Apollo singing the Zelda song in the background is so fun to here

    • e schwarz

      Just love the free for all- sharing vocal session

    • Mosk Barto

      Zelda – even birds love its music! 😍

    • Ziggy

      I love the whisling. I wish my caique did that.

    • SiltFeather Studios

      I heard one sing duel of the fates

    • Eddie

      I taught my cockatiel to whistle lost woods/saria's song too, this is too cute!

    • April Ostapchuk

      Definitely sounds like she is saying "come here" wonderful

    • Donna Williams

      I had a Black Capped Cacique who talked. He knew about 12 words. He never whistled or sang tho.

    • Pepperoni Milkshake

      Yeeeees, they'll be soon discussing world domination plans with Apollo 😂

    • Mark

      Awww soleil so smart

    • TheFabulousKitten

      Aww singing sarias song

    • Alara

      I've a friend with a pineapple cheeked conure who, when he talks, sounds spot on like your girls trying to talk.

    • InkyFreak

      The little head tilt when they hear whistling 😙 pretty sure I heard bubbles being blown in there!

    • Livia Crandall

      Wow! That’s awesome!

    • Peter Campbell

      I had my black-headed caique for about 7 years before I started hearing him talk (I think he started out with sounds that were hard to distinguish from his usual whistling, and then gradually refined them into more noticeable words). He says "Hey buddy," "What're you doing," and one night he said "pretty bird" a bunch of times but I haven't heard him say it since! Caiques are weird!

    • JammyTheBirb

      Aww! Now they've started there'll be no stopping them! I wonder if being around Apollo helps them with learning to talk.

    • SweptAshoreStudio

      Of course Soleil is learning bossy phrase. "Come here. Come here." 😊

    • Jennifer's Happy Place

      My WBC says "peek-a-boo", but usually only at 3 AM when he wants me to wake up.

    • Tedris

      so bootipul and so talented too! sumch smart!! <3 <3

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