caiques as pet Caiques can't fly?20/06/20244Comments by Romeo Gilliland Free flying parrots Caique parrots Romeo Gilliland 4 replies to "Caiques can't fly?" @annmarie2964 20/06/2024 She has such a solid landing. Beantwoorden @raideurng2508 20/06/2024 Will fly for scritches Beantwoorden @sorentkai 20/06/2024 I can see a small wire extending from the tail, I'm assuming that it is a GPS tracker of some sort? If so what is the brand/type called? Beantwoorden @recon_M 20/06/2024 So this proved that caique can free fly Beantwoorden Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. Δ Deze site gebruikt Akismet om spam te verminderen. Bekijk hoe je reactie-gegevens worden verwerkt.
4 replies to "Caiques can't fly?"
She has such a solid landing.
Will fly for scritches
I can see a small wire extending from the tail, I'm assuming that it is a GPS tracker of some sort? If so what is the brand/type called?
So this proved that caique can free fly