caiques as pet Caiques are very funny and smart birds #caique #parrot #miami #bird #birds #whitebelliedcaique #baby17/02/20243Comments by William Carpenter William Carpenter 3 replies to "Caiques are very funny and smart birds #caique #parrot #miami #bird #birds #whitebelliedcaique #baby" @lgd4247 17/02/2024 Don't exploit parrots! Beantwoorden @SarahLemarie 17/02/2024 Please do your homework and adopt from a rescue! ❤ there are already so many adult birds in need of a safe home. Beantwoorden @sandramiller1647 17/02/2024 How much are they? Beantwoorden Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. Δ Deze site gebruikt Akismet om spam te verminderen. Bekijk hoe je reactie-gegevens worden verwerkt.
3 replies to "Caiques are very funny and smart birds #caique #parrot #miami #bird #birds #whitebelliedcaique #baby"
Don't exploit parrots!
Please do your homework and adopt from a rescue! ❤ there are already so many adult birds in need of a safe home.
How much are they?