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It is very easy to train a Caique Parrot for teaching a new Trick.
Just a day might be more than enough to teach them something new. Always make sure you give the best Treat as an Award while training the Caique Bird for a new trick. Also, serve it in a very small quantity.
Depending on the birds the Treats might be different too. My Caique likes Walnut the most, so I serve Walnut only at the time of training.
Never feed them the treats on a regular basis.
Also, train them only while they are in a good mood and showing interest to play.
Please don’t continue the training section for more than 10 to 15 minutes on a stretch.
Always repeat what you thought them at least once in Two Weeks.
If your bird is a Caique Parrot then training is Not a Big Deal.

    1 Response to "Caique Parrot Tricks | Playing Ring Toss | Caique Learn Tricks faster | Birds Trick Training | Funny"

    • Ro Martins Fotografia

      Que lindo 🥰🥰😍😍🦜🦜🐦🐦

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