caiques as pet Best Frenemies 🤝07/04/202318Comments by Betty Arbour Ophelia knows better than to get involved. #birds #parrot #africangrey #pets #animals #cute #funny #foryou #caique Best Betty Arbour 18 replies to "Best Frenemies 🤝" focus ___v _ 07/04/2023 Hyy apollo 🥰 Beantwoorden shiierin 07/04/2023 Basically enemies with benefits Beantwoorden Pixelated Pixie 07/04/2023 Brave little Caique. Both Bird's are Beautiful Beantwoorden merryprawn 07/04/2023 – Fighting, fighting, more fighting– Pause for preening– Back to fighting Beantwoorden meycoe 07/04/2023 They seem to really enjoy that spiral perch, gonna get one for my conure 😊 Beantwoorden Nitzy Black 07/04/2023 In the words of Tom Petty, 🎶 'I won't back down'🎸 😄 Beantwoorden Josh Grazer 07/04/2023 Bro swung up side down just to fight Beantwoorden MiraiB 07/04/2023 I hope they wouldn't hurt each other 😅☺️ Beantwoorden This is not my real name 07/04/2023 Can they mate? Beantwoorden Alteria 07/04/2023 Sometimes it's chaos, sometimes it's smoochin Beantwoorden Linda Mastriano 07/04/2023 Aww how sweet it is they love each other. So nice. And what's good is they don't hurt each other. I love them. ♥️♥️🥰🥰 Beantwoorden Tog Tog 07/04/2023 Apollo’s uno reverse at the end is taking me out LOL Beantwoorden ReconR51 07/04/2023 It’s like watching a thumb war Beantwoorden Kylie🌱 07/04/2023 This was fun to watch😂🥰 Beantwoorden Taking My Spirit Back 07/04/2023 soleil once again proving dynamite comes in small packages lol, she's fearless. Beantwoorden feanorfeuergeist 07/04/2023 Apolle could kill a caique in one bite its just so amazing how gentle he is Beantwoorden Ted Chirvasiu 07/04/2023 There's a bird inside Beantwoorden Max O. 07/04/2023 Very nice to see Apollo be on the more gentle side here, it seems he's learning well! Beantwoorden Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. Δ Deze site gebruikt Akismet om spam te verminderen. Bekijk hoe je reactie-gegevens worden verwerkt.
18 replies to "Best Frenemies 🤝"
Hyy apollo 🥰
Basically enemies with benefits
Brave little Caique. Both Bird's are Beautiful
– Fighting, fighting, more fighting
– Pause for preening
– Back to fighting
They seem to really enjoy that spiral perch, gonna get one for my conure 😊
In the words of Tom Petty, 🎶 'I won't back down'🎸 😄
Bro swung up side down just to fight
I hope they wouldn't hurt each other 😅☺️
Can they mate?
Sometimes it's chaos, sometimes it's smoochin
Aww how sweet it is they love each other. So nice. And what's good is they don't hurt each other. I love them. ♥️♥️🥰🥰
Apollo’s uno reverse at the end is taking me out LOL
It’s like watching a thumb war
This was fun to watch😂🥰
soleil once again proving dynamite comes in small packages lol, she's fearless.
Apolle could kill a caique in one bite its just so amazing how gentle he is
There's a bird inside
Very nice to see Apollo be on the more gentle side here, it seems he's learning well!