Some pictures of Baby caiques over the past week or so.

    9 replies to "Baby White Bellied Caique Parrots"

    • Golf and Ball Torture

      i notice that the older they get the more calm and playful they get. not just from observing these guys, but like even at the birdstores i've visited lol.

    • Watcher

      Why do you remove them from the nest? It seems unnecessarily cruel to take them away from their parents.

    • Minecraft6175

      they look like baby chicks without their down. (not trying to be offensive)

    • Triple the Scraps

      Oh Rita, they are precious! The older one looks like he may have a black head like Sugar's to start. 🙂 Sure love that music at the end when they were sleeping. Wonderful video!

    • Cheyenne Huffman

      Awww, they are so cute! I like the music you added to the video too– it adds to their cuteness! 🙂

    • greybirdy

      Awwww too adorable!

    • Mary B

      How absolutely adorable! Dolly refuses to believe that she ever looked like that! But lately she sure would like to have a boyfriend to make some babies herself! Oh, my!!

    • chihuahuabulldog

      So precious!

    • 1boidae

      Awwwww…. those babies are so precious! The little blue bed was so cute!

      Great video, Rita. Your videos are always soooo nice and well put together 😉

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