caique parrot Baby Caique parrot protecting her buddy under her wing | JC01812/11/202215Comments by Luz Green #caique #caiqueparrot BABY Buddy caique Parrot Luz Green 15 replies to "Baby Caique parrot protecting her buddy under her wing | JC018" lokmane anir 12/11/2022 headphone users R.I.P Beantwoorden Mar 12/11/2022 They seem scared are they ok? Beantwoorden Nina 12/11/2022 ,, I guard you!"💕🦜 Beantwoorden foreverealm 12/11/2022 This is very precious. … i know now… mama birds cover their babies under their wings to protect them. So this birb has a motherly heart to cover her cohort with a protective wing. It is very dear. 💞 Beantwoorden Simu Lui 12/11/2022 Humans need to be extinct to safeguard real bio diversity Beantwoorden Natasha Kendall 12/11/2022 That's a perfect little friend photo right there Beantwoorden Αργυρώ Κέκου 12/11/2022 empathic💜 Beantwoorden babybluex 12/11/2022 Oh my gosh! Awwwww. Beantwoorden ballad2212 12/11/2022 I think she's more beating his brains in, by accident, of course. 😁 Beantwoorden Francine Douaihy 12/11/2022 So sweet and adorable Beantwoorden Felicidad Llamas 12/11/2022 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Beantwoorden Sarah's Music Garden 12/11/2022 Awwwwwwwww!!! Beantwoorden Peace4777 12/11/2022 Don't think I have seen anything more adorable❤️🤗 Beantwoorden James Jameson 12/11/2022 I'm 6"11 280 lbs and this just melted me like butter Beantwoorden Rosebud Adkins 12/11/2022 So sweet! 💜💜💜 Beantwoorden Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. Δ Deze site gebruikt Akismet om spam te verminderen. Bekijk hoe je reactie-gegevens worden verwerkt.
15 replies to "Baby Caique parrot protecting her buddy under her wing | JC018"
headphone users R.I.P
They seem scared are they ok?
,, I guard you!"💕🦜
This is very precious. … i know now… mama birds cover their babies under their wings to protect them. So this birb has a motherly heart to cover her cohort with a protective wing. It is very dear. 💞
Humans need to be extinct to safeguard real bio diversity
That's a perfect little friend photo right there
Oh my gosh! Awwwww.
I think she's more beating his brains in, by accident, of course. 😁
So sweet and adorable
Don't think I have seen anything more adorable❤️🤗
I'm 6"11 280 lbs and this just melted me like butter
So sweet! 💜💜💜