Found a Dragonfly on the ground outside, decided to see what Apollo and our Caique’s thought of it.
#foryou #birds #parrot #dragonfly #react #reaction #africangrey #bug #shorts #talkingparrot #talkingbird
Found a Dragonfly on the ground outside, decided to see what Apollo and our Caique’s thought of it.
#foryou #birds #parrot #dragonfly #react #reaction #africangrey #bug #shorts #talkingparrot #talkingbird
27 replies to "Apollo Reacts to a Dragonfly 🐉"
They should eat that bug lol
If you've never been bitten by a dragonfly let me inform you that it hurts like a son of a b****!! They might know what that is
Love how they don't like the bug but have to go look at it again!
If that's a scented plug in, they are bad for birds. So are household cleaners, non stick cookware. If you goggle it, you can find a more comprehensive list of things you shouldn't have/ use near birds. Best wishes for your birds and you.
Apollo jumpscare
Aww, good boy, Apollo! "is it a bug?" So cute🩷
He is so smart!
I mean, from his perspective that thing is bigger than his entire head. I'd be pretty scared too if something that big got that close to me.
Last known word from Tori.
Soon I’ll be getting a bird like Apollo and I was curious how to train it and kinda the daily process routine ?
Love how he did the "come here" whistle before charging, you were warned!
They're all like yeah you can keep that bug over there……..😳😳😳
I reacted the same way to dragonflies when I was little 😄
"It's a bug D:"
I’m afraid of dragon 🐉-flies, too, and I’m a 62 year old woman😳!
I love Apolo
Solei and Ophelia's reactions to the bug are genuine moods;
"Oh my god, what is thaaat?"
"Ew why are you bringing that near me?!"
They are afraid….
Apollo is like I'm not scared I just refuse to engage the giant bug
It always brings me so much joy to see Apollo and his sisters hanging out together in harmony. Such a sweet little family. I love all 3 of them so much lol.
ah! new bug! 😱
Looks like the ewwwwwww factor is universal…..though I love bugs.
Apollo like "bug, bug ok, get that thing away from me"
Rare footage of dinosaurs 🦖 vs Dragon 🐲