金爺雀生既第一個Video ︱佢係是一隻1歲白腹金凱鸚鵡︱現在居香港
First Video of Goldyea’s funny moments. He is a 1 year old white bellied caique parrot living in Hong Kong.
#PetBirds #petbirds #CuteBird #CuteBirds #FunnyBird #FunnyBirds
金爺雀生既第一個Video ︱佢係是一隻1歲白腹金凱鸚鵡︱現在居香港
First Video of Goldyea’s funny moments. He is a 1 year old white bellied caique parrot living in Hong Kong.
#PetBirds #petbirds #CuteBird #CuteBirds #FunnyBird #FunnyBirds
2 replies to "金爺says Hi 初めまして︱Caique Parrot Says Hi | Funny Parrots"
Keep going man👍🥳💪🙏